
Clear Light Healing

Clear Light Healing is a pure immadiate, directing the highest vibrational frequencies of Light for physical, mental and spiritual transformation. 

These higher frequencies are effective in a wide range of the illnesses and resolve deep emotional and mental barriers.

Each session is complete in itself.

Your body countinues to integrate and balance for hours and day after the treat.
A Clear Light Healing adresses and satisfies the unresolved needs of your body,mind and spirit.
During your Healing,a flood of spiritualizing life force is released into your body.

This transformational energy dissolves interior emotional and mental barriers that have built up stress or trauma.

Our body remembers even on the cellular level that what happened.These traumas are 
blocking the flow of the personal life. Block can be on mental and emocional level or manifesting into
the physical body
Clear Light releses negativ patterns from your system.

In addition to pain relief and re-energizing and balancing your system.

You will feel a deep sense of peacefulness and calm during the treat.

Longer ranging effects will unfold over the following days bringing an increase in mental clearity,
emotional stability and physical strenght.


Chronic pain,injuries,weight problems,water retension,migraine,arthritis,insomnia,heart dises,high and low bloodpressure,cancer,undiagnosed illnesses,untreatable diseases,infertility strenghtening the immune system,circulation and nervous system

Stress,grief,depression,fears,fobias,panc,anger,addictions,sadness,anxiety post traumatic syndrome,self worth

ADD;OCD;lack of fokus and clarity,negative thoughts,compulsions,judgement

Releasing blockages that preventing you from having successful love loverelationship,making money..etc.
Resistance, weekness,egoism,perfectionism 
Expands your awerness and consciousness
When u are healed at the physical level,you still have underlying causes that are not being addressed.

You will continue to attrect either illness or accidents until you work through and release the root cause of your problems.

By integrating all four levels of experience,Clear Light will balance and cure the deepest part of you.